Friday, August 10, 2018

Apple runs into another embarrassing issue with the new MacBook Pro

A series of embarrassing gaffes in Cupertino are leading many to question whether Apple has lost its eye for detail. Just weeks after Apple acknowledged, then patched, a throttling issue in its updated line of “Pro-level” laptops, users are now reporting another issue that casts Apple‘s quality control in a less-than-favorable light: the speakers. Numerous users have taken to Reddit and YouTube to report, and demonstrate, the problem. It appears that both 13 and 15-inch MacBook Pro‘s have an issue that causes speakers to crack and distort, even at relatively low volume. The speakers, it’s worth noting, were advertised as…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: MacBook,MacBook Pro,Apple (Endless Supplies .Ca) August 09, 2018 at 10:30PM

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