Friday, April 13, 2018

Mushrooms Might Save the World

Mushrooms—MUSHROOMS!—will save us. You might ask yourself: Uh… save us from what? Well, ourselves of course. Because mushrooms just might be able to… Cut down on cow farts—Wash your clothes—Treat PTSD—Replace styrofoam—Do you wear leather? What about mushroom leather?—Fight cancer—And save the bees. -- VIDEO BY ELEANOR CUMMINS TOM McNAMARA THANK YOU DR. ROY HALLING DR. BARBARA THIERS STEVENSON SWANSON ECOVATIVE NOVOZYMES PAUL STAMETS -- FOR MORE ABOUT THE MAGIC OF MUSHROOMS GO TO - #mushroom #climatechange #methane #ptsd #cow #cowfarts #detergent #styrofoam #leather #cancer #bee #science #globalwarming #fungi #carbon #beef #phosphates #surfactants #laundry #energy #medicine #polystyrene #mycelium #ecovative #varroamite #honeybee #honey #posttraumaticstressdisorder #mentalhealth #health #biology #botany #newyorkbotanicalgarden #naturalhistory #education #whataremushrooms #mushroomuses

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