Wednesday, February 21, 2018

TNW’s Big Spam: What do you call a week without a Wednesday?

Q: What do you call a week without a Wednesday? Top trending tech news: 🚗 Uber officially launched Uber Express POOL (TechCrunch)⏰ Jeff Bezos bought a really expensive clock (TNW) 🎵 Spotify announced its first new hardware product (TNW) What we’re talking about: Jeff Bezos just installed a $42 million 10,000-year clock on his property. Because he can. Twitter banned thousands of Russian bot accounts yesterday — and Trump supporters are pissed. Follow the mayhem with #TwitterLockout. 16-year-old Maxime Coutté was inspired by the VR anime series Sword Art Online but couldn’t afford an Oculus Rift. So he built his own. And your 16-year-old is still shoving rocks up his nose. Remember deepfakes? They’re getting better and better.…

This story continues at The Next Web

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