Monday, June 12, 2017

E-cigarettes as harmful as their analog counterparts? Not so fast

The e-cigarette business is booming. As smokers ditch the habit in record numbers, many look to the digital world to find a replacement for their favorite analog vice. And e-cigarettes are, for better or worse, what’s next. With the rise in popularity comes increased scrutiny. And with the scrutiny comes a gold rush of sorts to prove these are just as dangerous as their analog counterparts. “E-cigarettes ‘Potentially as Harmful as Tobacco Cigarettes” reads the headline on UCONN’s website touting the latest of these controversial studies. But is it true? That’s the billion dollar question for for the e-cig industry. With heavy financial incentive…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Bryan Clark via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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