Tuesday, May 9, 2017

One industry expert shows just how badly you suck at online security

Security is a mixed bag. where we once were limited to bad security practices of writing passwords on post-it notes, some have taken this same mentality online, as Troy Hunt points out. Troy Hunt, Microsoft Regional Director and MVP for developer security, was prompted to tell a few stories after seeing this tweet: Your password is not unique. http://pic.twitter.com/ga4GwxtzrQ — Lars Klint (@larsklint) April 16, 2017 Obviously this is a joke — from Reddit, natch. But it’s not that far off from some real security practices. Hunt shared some doozies, including how anyone can log into your Betfair account just by…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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