Friday, May 5, 2017

Growth Story: How Bragi sold over 100,000 headphones in just a year

Growth Story is a new 4-question format we’re doing about startups finding and influencing a defining metric that helped to really grow their company. Back in 2013, the Dane Nikolaj Hvidd launched Bragi by himself in his basement. Now, a mere four years later, he employs 180 people stationed around the world – Munich, New York City and Hong Kong – and managed to go from zero to selling over 100,000 headphones in the span of just a year. This earned Bragi the title Germany’s Fastest Growing Startup in our Tech5 competition. Wondering how he did it? We spoke to him…

This story continues at The Next Web

by Sebastiaan Roebroek via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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