Thursday, May 25, 2017

Apple veteran Marc Newson has designed a $12000 hourglass

Industrial designer Marc Newson, one of the people behind the Apple Watch, has designed a beautiful, expensive timepiece that’s worth $12,000. Sound enticing? Feast your eyes on the Hourglass. The Hourglass is made of pyrex, about six inches tall, and filled with 1,249,996 copper ball bearings — oh, excuse me, “nanoballs” — which keep ten minutes’ worth of time. Should you choose to buy it, you must put down a $6,000 nonrefundable deposit. It’s not the most expensive timepiece Newson has ever designed. He also had a hand in designing the original Apple Watch Edition, the most expensive version of…

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by Rachel Kaser via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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