Sunday, April 30, 2017

Take your study time to warp speed with MarginNote Pro — only $24.99

Learning in the 21st century takes many forms. Thankfully, the “old school” age of spiral notebooks, highlighters and photocopies has given way to more technology-driven, hyper-individualized means of committing new knowledge to memory. All those tech tools to streamline and accelerate your learning are at your disposal with MarginNote Pro for Mac, which you can pick up right now at 50 percent off — just $24.99 — from TNW Deals. MarginNote takes the entire concept of note-taking and organizing data to another level. With MarginNote, you can quickly and efficiently cull through stacks of PDFs and EPUBs, highlight and save…

This story continues at The Next Web

by TNW Deals via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

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