Sunday, April 30, 2017

Atom-thin water layers may lead to faster electric cars

So many battery breakthroughs focus on longer battery life (and for good reason), but what about the speed of delivering that energy? That's what North Carolina State University researchers want to solve. They've produced a material, crystalline tu...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

'Major scale' malware targets your Mac through email scams

Mac users are increasingly being targeted by malware after years of being relatively safe, and that means they're facing attacks that other users have unfortunately come to expect for a while. Check Point researchers have discovered Dok, the first "...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Imagining five retro technologies as startup pitches

 Silicon Valley is a bubble. Go into any SoMa coffee shop and you’ll hear founders and investors alike singing the praises of Hyperloop and flying cars — sci-fi tropes reincarnated by billionaires with a god complex. This isn’t to say these technologies shouldn’t be pursued, but sometimes it’s healthy to remember that we are effectively pulling a Facebook… Read More

by John Mannes,Bryce Durbin via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

The past, present, and future of design in Silicon Valley

 The following is an excerpt from The Way to Design, a guide to becoming a designer founder and to building design-centric businesses. Adapted and reprinted with the author’s permission. Until very recently, success in Silicon Valley required focusing almost single-mindedly on an organization’s technical prowess. It meant having an unimpeachable technical founder, 10X engineers,… Read More

by Steve Vassallo via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

AAA launches its own app-based car sharing service

Few companies connected to the auto industry can resist the allure of starting their own car sharing service, it seems. After a brief tease, AAA's venture wing has launched Gig, an app-centric car sharing service, in Berkeley and Oakland. You pull...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Russian Man Facing Prison For Making Pokémon Go Video Inside A Church

A Russian man might be spending years in prison after his trial wrapped up last week, after being arrested in 2016 for making a video about Pokémon Go while inside a church, a violation of the country’s laws against “inciting religious hatred”.


by Luke Plunkett on Kotaku, shared by Rhett Jones to Gizmodo via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

China takes its turn at a giant fighting robot

MegaBots' giant robot duel might just turn into a full-scale brawl. Beijing outfit Greatmetal has unveiled a prototype of Monkey King, China's take on an enormous battle machine. It's still human-piloted, but it has a distinct trick up its sleeve:...
by Jon Fingas via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

With AI investments, Taser could use its body camera division for predictive policing

 After announcing that it would shift some of its emphasis away from non-lethal weapons to police body cameras, for a fleeting moment it felt like the company synonymous with sticks that electrocute people was showing an interest in police accountability. Analysis from the Intercept and a 2017 “Law Enforcement Technology Report” by Taser suggest that the reality might be more… Read More

by Taylor Hatmaker via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

With the war far from over, privacy activists cautiously celebrate a battle won

 After the NSA’s surprise announcement that it would pull back on a contentious surveillance tactic, privacy advocates found themselves in a strange place in 2017: They’d actually won a thing. With a mix of cautious optimism and rightfully cynical pragmatism, the organizations and figures so often quietly waging a thankless war to protect the online privacy of American citizens… Read More

by Taylor Hatmaker via Endless Supplies .Ca - News

Hack Harassment adds an interdisciplinary board to tackle online hate

 Hack Harassment, founded by Vox Media, Intel and Lady Gaga’s youth-focused Born This Way organization, will gear up to fight online harassment with the introduction of its first advisory board. Comprised of members from anti-bullying research groups, AAA game developers, and some things in between, the board will bring the collective experience of the multi-disciplinary leadership to… Read More

by Taylor Hatmaker via Endless Supplies .Ca - News