Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Detailed image of red giant confirms theory about massive stars

The red giant π1 Gruis is 530 light-years away, and it's reaching the end of its natural life. Soon, scientists think it will become a planetary nebula. But before it dies, astronomers are using π1 Gruis to shed light on some of the secrets of...

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by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Coincheck hackers are reportedly trying to unload stolen cryptocurrency

Last week, hackers stole around $534 million worth of cryptocurrency XEM from Tokyo-based exchange Coincheck, and now, Reuters reports, the hackers behind the heist are trying to sell the stolen cryptocurrency. Jeff McDonald, vice president of the NE...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Netflix reportedly in talks with Luc Besson for multi-picture deal

Fans of Léon: The Professional, The Fifth Element, Lucy and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets have reason to get excited. According to Variety, French auteur Luc Besson is in talks with Netflix for a multi-picture deal. According to...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Advocacy group urges Facebook to pull Messenger for Kids

Facebook started rolling out its messaging app for kids last December, offering a standalone app with parental controls built right in. The app is available on iOS and Android Fire tablets, and allows children under the age of 13 to chat with approve...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

iOS 11.3 will let iPhone X users approve family purchases with Face ID

iPhone users will a get a handful of new capabilities when Apple releases iOS 11.3 this spring, one of which is sure to be welcomed by parents with an iPhone X. With the introduction of Face ID, some processes got a little easier for iPhone users, bu...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Missouri wants to bring Hyperloop to the midwest

The state of Missouri has signed a deal with Virgin Hyperloop One to investigate if it's worth building a high-speed link between three of its biggest cities. A team of interested parties will examine the feasibility of constructing a route between K...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Facebook bans ads promoting cryptocurrencies

Most of Facebook's recent advertising changes have tried to curb the danger of, you know, a foreign government using the social network to influence elections. But Facebook believes other kinds of harmful ads prey on less-than-savvy users with get-ri...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Fake porn is the new fake news, and the internet isn’t ready

Ever since Facebook finally admitted to having a fake news problem, it's been trying to fix it. It hired thousands of people to help block fake ads, pledged to work with third-party fact-checking organizations and is busy building algorithms to detec...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Justice Dept and SEC are reportedly reviewing Apple’s iPhone slowdowns

In December, Apple admitted to slowing older models of iPhones, saying the practice kept older phones with aging batteries from suddenly rebooting. Apple is now facing multiple lawsuits in the US and abroad as well as an investigation in France. And...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

What Trump means when he talks nukes at the State of the Union

President Donald Trump is expected to cover five main topics in his first State of the Union address tonight, including the economy, immigration, infrastructure and trade. The fifth topic, national security, will put the spotlight on North Korea and...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

FCC: Officer behind Hawaii false missle alert thought it was real

The FCC has published the preliminary findings of its investigation into Hawaii's false missile alert, and it suggests that the story didn't play out as you might have heard. Where initial reports claimed the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency office...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Google credits AI for stopping more rogue Android apps in 2017

Google likes to boast of its ability to shut down Android malware, and it apparently has good reason to brag about 2017. The company took down over 700,000 apps that violated Play Stores policies last year (a 70 percent increase over 2016), and it w...

by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via Endless Supplies .Ca - News
by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca

Pinterest hires Google computer vision expert to sort your Pins

Pinterest is very committed to improving its search technology through AI -- so committed, in fact, that it just hired one of the foremost experts in the field. The social network has announced that it's recruiting Chuck Rosenberg, Google's AI visio...

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by (Endless Supplies .Ca) via EndlessSupplies.Ca